Hip Hop Tank tour day three

Aug 2, 2017 | Girls, Hip Hop Tank and Top, Tour | 2 comments

Hip Hop Tank tour day three

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s day three of the Hip Hop Tank tour. Are you loving it as much as I am? Today we have some girl’s Hip Hop Tank inspiration happening! In case you missed day one and day two, be sure to go check them out for some great ladies Hip Hop Tank creations!

Today Rachel from Handcrafted by RED has a cool Hip Hop Tank hack she made for her daughter that got her compliments all day long!

hip hop tank

Sprouting Jube Jube made a set of Hip Hop Tanks that looks so sweet of both her girls.

hip hop tank

Tasha at Sewn at Seams went all out with a Mommy and Me set that makes my heart melt!!

hip hop tank

If you haven’t entered the giveaway for $50 in Love Notions credit, be sure to do so!!

And here are all the other great stops on this week’s tour.

July 31 Sew Shelly Sew Wholesome Mama Kainara Stitches

August 1 Stitches by Laura MeMade Very Blissful

August 2 Handcrafted by RED Sprouting Jube Jube Sewn at Seams

August 3 Sewing Curves Beri Bee Designs Phat Quarters

August 3 Ruby Rue CreationsSew and Tell Project All Things Katy

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