Hi Everyone!
This is Marta from The Pickle & The Banana on Instagram and I’m so excited to be here today. I’ll be talking about self-care sewing during these….interesting….times. I think we can all say that we have never been through anything quite like this before. Life looks very different these days for most of us. Let’s talk about our woes, find our joy, and sew up some fabulous comfy Summer Caye Pants! The pattern is on sale for 5$ for today only! (This post contains my affiliate links. Thank you very much for using them if you choose to!)

January can be especially difficult. We are coming down from the post holiday bustle, going back to work after a vacation, trying to regain control after a loss of routine, recovering from fulfilling family obligations, and a myriad of other things that weigh on us. This year, we are doing all of that in the middle of a pandemic. *Insert screaming face emoji here*
But how many of us are too tired and lose our “sewjo” at this time of the year?
Ideas for self-care and balance
So…how do we maintain balance and take care of ourselves? For many of us that means SEWING! Hurrah! But how many of us are too tired and lose our “sewjo” at this time of the year? I know I did. I spent a few weeks not sewing anything at all and instead focused on organising my patterns. Y’all…it turns out I own over 500! I was taught how to use Trello by the amazing Danielle from The Healing Stitch on Instagram. I am not affiliated with this platform at all but it’s a pretty great tool for keeping track of what you have.
You can see all of my wonderful Love Notions patterns are there with images to remind me what they look like. There is a lot more you can do with the platform and I’m hoping to explore it fully soon. If you have any questions about it, feel free to give me a shout in the group and I’m happy to chat!
Sometimes taking a break, even from a hobby that we love, is needed. It helps us gain perspective and absence does make the heart grow fonder!
Once I had my patterns mostly organised I was once again inspired to sew. Sometimes taking a break, even from a hobby that we love, is needed. It helps us gain perspective and absence does make the heart grow fonder!
The question now was: What do I make? I am currently teaching from home while my two children aged 8 and 6 learn from home. If you follow me on Instagram you see the kinds of clothes I usually wear to work. My beloved Tessa. Check out my previous blog on how to mash it with the Sybil here.
This gorgeous Willow.
Those are NOT conducive to my current situation. I need something comfortable, presentable for when I have to be on camera, and easy. I needed a sewing win. Enter the Summer Caye Pants and Shorts ! You might say, “But Marta! These are for the SUMMER, it says so right in the name!” and to that I say, “It’s 2021…what does anything even mean anymore!?”
Another problem that we curators of fabric sometimes have is choosing the correct medium with which to create our art. And so I too, stared at my carefully collected wall of fabric. Then I looked closely at the recommended fabrics in the pattern. And I grabbed some sparkly French Terry. This is NOT a recommended fabric for this pattern. But again…it’s 2021, and sparkles make me happy.
Now, this is very thin and drapey French Terry that flows very well, so in that respect I did follow the rules. Sort of. I knew I was going down the road less travelled and I was prepared to deal with the consequences. Luckily the outcome is exactly what I imagined. My Summer Caye Pants are winter ready!
I decided that this sew was going to be for ME. I would relish every moment that it took to make these pants. I would find joy in every step. So, I printed my pattern, opened Ye Olde Netflix, and spent a very lovely evening cutting and enjoying a guilty pleasure. (The guilty part is a lie, I don’t feel one bit guilty….it was glorious!).
I made the most basic version of these pants. They are the narrower leg with no pockets. Like I said, I needed a win and quick gratification. I was NOT disappointed. I now have a fabulous pair of pants that I can wear to *ahem* “work”.
They are also perfect for lounging after *ahem* “work”.
And totally acceptable for the one time a month I leave my house.
I will definitely be making more pairs of Summer Caye Pants in all the versions. I’m most excited to try the wide leg with pockets. And I’ll make a pair in the shorts view for when summer is actually here. Make sure to grab the pattern while it’s on sale for only 5$ just for today!
Thanks so much for hanging out with me today. I hope that you are all finding joy and balance in your lives. I look forward to seeing all of your glorious Summer Caye Pants!
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