Lotus Blossom Sew Along: Day Four

May 2, 2019 | Girls, How To, Ladies, Lotus Blossom, Video | 4 comments

Lotus Blossom Sew Along: Day Four

Today is the day we tackle the twist! Do worry! The Lotus Blossom Twist just feels like it’s complicated. But I am going to break it down for you with a video tutorial and then we will assemble the body of our shirt. Let’s do this!

Below you will find a video for how to create the twist feature on the front of the Lotus Blossom. You won’t believe how easy it really is!

Stop here if you used an applique for the back! You will need to sew the neckline in place first. That post will be for tomorrow. Continue below if you are sewing a full back version or the inset lace.

Now we have our front assembled.

lotus blossom twist

Super pretty, right! Now let’s sew this baby up! We will take care of that tomorrow. Place the back on the front, right sides together. Line up the shoulder and side seams and sew the shoulders and side seams. That’s it! There is no hemming the bottom front. Just match the bottoms of the side seams together. When you are finished, if you serged, I recommend threading the serger thread back up through the seam and tacking the seam towards the back with a zig zag stitch for about an inch up the side seam. That will secure those serger tails.

Lotus Blossom Sew Along

Meet me back here tomorrow to finish these beautiful Lotus Blossoms up! I also have another hack for you. And it’s so flexible!! Athletic shirt, maternity shirt, knot shirt, it’s all those things!!

lotus blossom sew along

It’s more fun to sew with friends! Join us in our Facebook Support Group and share pictures of your progress, ask questions, and cheer on others as we all sew the Lotus Blossom together!

If you are just joining us, you can still catch up!

Day One: Printing, fabric, cutting

Day Two: Lace inset or applique

Day Three: Hemming and preparing the neckline

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