Tidal sewalong day 3

Aug 6, 2016 | Dress | 8 comments

Here we are on the last day of the Tidal sewalong. So far we’ve covered picking fabric, pattern assembly and we’ve sewn up the body. Today we’re going to finish this up with binding the neckline and hemming the sleeves and shirt. Read more to get this top finished!

I give you two methods to finish the neck/arms in the tutorial: using bands and binding. I prefer the cleaner look of binding and it’s not used nearly as often as bands so I’ll walk you through that method in this sewalong.

First, sew the short ends of your binding piece right sides together so you have a loop.

Then fold the binding in quarters and mark those points. Mark the neckline in quarters as well. This is a critical step. Skipping this step could result in an unevenly sewn neckline which is a dead giveaway for a homemade (as opposed to a handmade) garment.

Tidal sewalong

Align the binding to the neckline, right sides together with the raw edges of one side of the binding lined up with the raw edge of the neckline. Straight stitch the binding to the neckline, stretching the binding to match the quarter markings.


Gently stretch the binding to match quarter points as you straight stitch. Remember to use the 3/8″ seam allowance. Be sure to remove your pins/clips as you come to them.


Press the binding up over the seam allowance.


Fold the binding over the seam allowance. Don’t fold the seam allowance down, you’re just folding the binding OVER the seam allowance to encase it.


Clip/pin the binding in place.

Tidal sewalong

Topstitch the binding in place. I love my coverstitch machine and the professional, clean look it gives but you can also use a straight stitch or twin needle. Since the neckline is not close-fitting you don’t need to worry about using a stretch stitch. Press the neckline to remove any waviness.

Tidal sewalong

To hem the sleeves fold the hem up 1″ to the wrong side and press. Topstitch with your preferred finishing method.


To hem the shirt fold the hem up 1″ to the wrong side and press. Topstitch with your preferred finishing method. Give your top a good press.


And you’re done! So what do you think of the godets? I’m liking them but really regretting my fabric choice. That mustard just stands out way too much for my taste (reminds me of tassels! eek!). Sadly, I don’t think I’ll be wearing this top outside the house but I will definitely be making another in a more subtle fabric. 😉

Tidal sewalong




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